Feels 1

Feels is a project that talks about universal feelings and emotional processes that everybody can live during their life experience. The metaphors are made with common objects in contact with different parts of the body to give the poetic meaning of it.

Enthusiasm: Swimsuit and pompom
Enthusiasm works as an electric rubbing and goes up from the stomach to the eyes and passes easily between people.

Director: Aloma Lafontana
Photographer: Andreu Romaní
Video: Roberto Martinez
Postproduction: Alejandra Andrés
Make-up artist: Clare Frank
Hair: Natalia Lanzas
Music: Marco Mezquida
Shoot in the Llibertat studios, Barcelona 2012.

Optimism: Shoulder pat and fabric
Every overcome challenge enlarges our shoulders and gets us ready for the highest boundaries, adding more and more layers of hypertrophic scars that endure the natural weaves and allow us to see a more optimistic future.
Guard: Needles
The sharpening and bright point of hundreds of needles that from these shoulder patches is an invitation to taste their power, a hedgehog’s skin constantly on guard.
Dol: Tassels
Gravity squeezed out eyelashes, eyes burst into tears. Crying doesn’t lighten any sorrow when tears are a turbid and dense curtain that darkens vision completely.
Companion: Bronze and cane.
The solitary path has nonsense. In the same way people need to hold someone’s hand, either physical or ephemeral. The hands of beloved persons.
Future: Shoes and hammers
Let every step be a dry blow on the earth, let the rhythm of my resolute route have a high and clear sound.